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Natural Perfume - Fragrance Remaining 24 Hour

Al-Habib perfume is a fragrance oil that comes from France, United Kingdom, Pakistan and Arab.

This fragrant oil from starch-based non-alcoholic perfumes which when in contact with the skin it will produces smells that according to the body temperature that is always maintained fragrance throughout the day. Here, you can try our product to get fresh and refreshing fragrance.

by mentioning that this product is non-alcoholic it is mean that for a Muslim to, they can have this perfume during their prayer and for the customer who have the experiencing incompatibility with the chemical alcohol that can cause skin irritation also can get this type of perfume because it already proven that this type of customer can also wearing this perfume of Al-Habib.

International Brand Perfume

As to meet the needs of today's consumers who want diversity and the variety, our company also provided products that came along with the international brand product where it can give the variety as what consumer desire for today's demand. The purpose of this diversity among our product is to give the inspiration  to the diversity of perfume enthusiasts out there. 

What is Al-Habib Perfume??

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